You have changed so much in the past few months! You have a such a wonderful personality and a smile that can melt any heart.
Here is what you are up to at 6 months:
- Weight: 16 pounds 8 ounces (63 percentile)
- Length: 26.25 inches (71 percentile)
- Clothes: You are still wearing 3-6 months clothes. Depending on the brand of clothes, some are still fitting very well and some are still a little big.
- Shoes: You are now wearing 3-6 month shoes but we still don't use them often. You love to kick your shoes and socks off! We have only lost one sock so far though!
- Diapers: size 2 Pampers. We had to take a break from the cloth diapers because you got two diaper rashes (which is very uncommon for you). But we are investigating this, and we will see what next month brings.
- Food: You are eating both breast milk and formula. You will be starting solids in the coming week which will be an interesting experience for sure. I'm going to have to get used to the idea of having food spots on your clothes which will kill me I think. Or maybe I'll just change you more often (you have plenty of clothes to do that anyway).
- Development: Chesney you do not sit still. You are constantly wiggling and moving (unless you are asleep at which time you only move about 50% of the time). You like to spend time in your Jumperoo and under your kicking machine (also known as a kicking gym). You love to roll onto your tummy but have a hard time getting back to your back. You can hold yourself up very well when you are on your tummy and even manage to squirm to a toy that is just out of reach. You still love to laugh out loud which daddy and I can't get enough of. Gosh, you are a sweet little girl!
- Words: None
- Sleep: You are still a great sleeper. You go to bed at about 7:30 every night and wake up between 6:30 and 7:00 am. You take a 1 to 1.5 hour nap in the morning and a couple 30 minute naps in the afternoon. Since you've mastered this rolling thing, you wake up on your tummy most mornings. We had two cold nights in the past week and tried out your sleep sack (Halo sack). The first night you woke up a few times in the middle of the night but went right back to sleep without me coming to check on you. The second night I guess you were just more used to it because you didn't make a peep all night.
- Teeth: None yet
- What I love about you: Every day is a joy to spend with you! Your smile is the best thing every and your giggles are amazing. I kiss you no less than 1,563 times daily (no lie)! You are growing so fast, and I just want to keep you this size forever. I cried the other day while reading a book about starting you on solid foods. It is just another step closer to growing up. Your daddy thinks I'm an emotional wreck most of the time because I tear up all the time when I talk about you, or I put you to bed and come out in tears. And at least 1-2 times nightly I say that I miss you. When you go to sleep it is so quite, and daddy's smiles just aren't as cute! I'm guessing every parent says that but if not, I don't want to be normal.