Friday, March 19, 2010

Nursery Pictures

Well the nursery is finally finished. We are just waiting on our little girl to make it complete.

Special thanks to grandma Dahl for making the curtains and Grandma Schneider for making the crib quilt.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

37 weeks

Full term! Yippee, but still probably weeks before the baby arrives. To be accurate, 2 weeks and 6 days until her due date! The bags are packed and ready to go though just in case. I had another appt yesterday and everything continues to be moving on track. 80% effaced and fingertip dilated. But she has moved down some more.

37 weeks pregnant

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Little peanut

We are now about 3.5 weeks from the due date and as the books say, the baby can come any time now. I had my 36 week appt this week and again was measuring small. I am measuring 31 cm and supposed to be close to 36 since I am at 36 weeks. So...I had another ultrasound to make sure the little lady was growing ok, and she is measuring at 35 weeks and about 5.4 pounds (give or take 13 ounces). So she is doing just fine. I guess she is just crammed in there. She may come out looking like a pretzel!

Over the past week, I have started to have contractions as well. Very random contractions though and lots of pressure. At my appt I was 70% effaced and fingertip dilated. A long way to go for sure but a good start.

Yesterday I had the car seat installed (that's when I realized we need a bigger vehicle). And the hospital bags are packed. Now we just wait and wait and wait.
36 weeks pregnant

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Last 2 showers

This was my first weekend without a shower, but I thought I would recap the past two showers. Two weeks ago my sister hosted a shower for me at my parent's house. It was crazy how many people came and how much nice stuff the baby got.

One weekend ago, the ladies from my work had a shower for me. It was a very relaxing shower with great food, guests, and lots of nice gifts.

One of the gifts the baby recently received is the sweet ride below.

Chuck and I both wanted a jogging stroller that we could put the carseat in and walk on the trails near our house. This stroller came with an adapter to allow that. Plus the colors are amazing! I'm so excited to wheel her around the city in this stroller.

I think Chuck, myself, and the baby are very lucky. We have received so many nice gifts and such great support throughout this pregnancy. Thank you everyone!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

35 weeks

I can not believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. Although this morning I was thinking about it, and it seems like we have been in our new house for so long, yet I have been pregnant the entire time we have been here!

I'm starting to get that nesting business people talk about. I feel like I have so much to do before she arrives. I'm so glad to have Thursdays off because it is my day to clean the house and catch up on everything else I have to do. Below is a 35 week picture. My next appt is Wednesday, March 10. That is the day we have the car seat installed too (which will make this even more real).