Friday, September 25, 2009

12 weeks

Our little one is now the size of a plum. I went for the first trimester screening yesterday which consists of blood work and an ultrasound. Although I won't have results for weeks, I did get a lot of ultrasound pictures. I'll show you them all because the baby is now finally looking like a baby instead of a blob.

See the leg in the bottom right photo. He/she was using that to kick around a lot during the ultrasound. The baby also got the hiccups during the ultrasound which was very cute to watch. A couple more pics below.

On the left side picture, an arm is sticking downward. My favorite is the one on the right. The baby has his/her arms up waving. Wow I can't believe the baby is getting so big. I don't think we will have another ultrasound until the 20 week one when we find out if this is a little boy or girl. But that is only about 8 weeks away...YAY. Take care everyone.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What a Weekend

This past weekend was the most fun I have had in a long time! My little brother got married and it was such a fun time. He of course looked handsome and Kim (his bride) look beautiful in her dress.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Our Little Olive

Yesterdays doctor appointment went very well. The baby continues to grow and the hematoma continues to decrease in size.
The scan below is the newest ultrasound. The baby is now the size of an olive which is crazy because during the ultrasound the baby looks so big. It's amazing how that little olive can make me so sick, tired, and happy.
Chuck looked at the ultrasound pictures last night and his interpretation was: "look at the Marg Simpson hair on that kid and look at the booty on that kid, it has to be a girl with a booty like that". So for sure we are going to have a bald little boy.

I go for another ultrasound on Sept. 24 at which time they will do the screening for spine cord defects and Downs. My next appointment with the OB will be in October sometime.

Have a great labor day weekend!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

9 Weeks

I am 9 weeks along today and these are some of the things I'm feeling:

1. Insanley hungry at times: I eat cinnamon applesauce everyday between 9:30 and 10:30 am.
2. Nauseous: What looks good to eat one minute will make me want to barf the next minute. This makes planning for dinner very hard. Poor Chuck has become accustomed to the idea that just because I am asking him what he is hungry for, it probably isn't what we will end up eating.
3. Tired: I love to shop, but being tired puts a big crimp in my shopping schedule. After about an hour or two of shopping, I need to go home an lay on the couch. I can even nap for 1-2 hours some days and still fall asleep at 9:30 or 10 pm.
4. Scared: Everytime I feel something different, a cramp or pain, I think about what happened last time around and get nervous it will happen again. I'm hoping once the first trimester is over I will stop being so paranoid.
5. So in love: I'm so in love with the idea that a little baby is growing inside of me. And I love to think about what we will be doing next summer and next year. I love looking at the baby clothes and thinking about where we will go in certain outfits. I love looking at the ultrasound pictures and can't wait to see more. But most of all, I just love this baby!

I have another visit with the OB today. She will do another ultrasound and as long as things look good, she will have me come back monthly. Please pray for a healthy baby.