Saturday, December 19, 2009

Week 24

The baby is growing fast. She is about 1.5 pounds now, and the size of a sheet of paper. The little lady is also kicking like crazy. We can watch my belly and see her kick. My quickly expanding belly that is.

With the help of both sets of grandparents, the nursery is now painted. Now I get to buy some cute decorations to finish it off. I'm having so much fun searching for decorations for her room. My mom is hard at work making her bumpers, a crib skirt, and a blanket. I can't wait to see everything together.

This year has had its ups and downs, but we are truly ending it feeling very blessed. A new home and a precious baby girl on the way. Next year will be a new journey, but I look forward so much to being a mommy! Wishing everyone a new year full of love, happiness, and miracles.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


So now that we know we are having a girl, I am really excited to decorate the nursery and shop for this little lady. I have the perfect shirt for her too, it says "mommy and I love to shop". I'm going to be such a good trainer!

Well below are some pictures of her closet before I knew we were having a girl. As you can see, I already have a good start on her wardrobe. My mom says I'm going to have to do outfit changes about 3 times a day to get through all of her clothes. Sadly I have more shopping to do : )

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Week 20 - Half-way

Week 20 is here...already! I can't believe this pregnancy is half-way over. Below is a picture of my growing belly.

We went to the doctor today for an ultrasound and found out we are having a GIRL!!! I was shocked to say the least as I was expecting a boy. I am so excited to be able to decorate and buy clothes for my little girl now!

The coming weeks are probably going to go fast now that we know we are having a girl. We are so blessed to have this little miracle on the way.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Week 18

I can't believe I have been pregnant for 18 weeks now, but I am definitely starting to feel pregnant. I have ligament pains often and finding a sleep position has become difficult at times. Even drying my feet after a shower has become more difficult. I can't imagine how hard that will be in about 10 weeks or even 20 weeks.

But I am moving more into that "boy she is getting fat" stage, and I hope it soon looks like I am pregnant instead of fat. I need a shirt that says "pregnant, not fat" or maybe a shirt that said "pregnant and fat" would be better!

I'm on the count down to finding out if we are having a boy or girl and time seems to be dragging by. But I think once we know I will be so busy shopping and figuring out the nursery. Oh I can't wait for that.

In the meantime, I'm very excited about shopping for a wedding dress for my sister next weekend. My baby sister is getting married, and I can't wait to see her tiny little butt in wedding dresses. She's one of those girls that could make a garbage bag look good!

Below is a picture of me at 18 weeks (and my disappearing feet).

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Pig Sooie

So I'm at the very end of week 17 (week 18 kicks off tomorrow). I haven't posted in forever, so an update is much over-due. Week 16 was very eventful. I went for a check-up which was normal and against my will got a H1N1 immunization. Then 3 days later I was down with the sickness. Yup the swine flu got me. But I only had one day of aches and fevers. Then it was a couple days of vacation. So all that TV hype is just that HYPE. The bad news was I dropped back down to my pre-baby weight with being sick. So know I am on an eating mission (and the baby is on a growing mission).

Week 17 has been much healthier. I am gaining weight and my belly is really starting to grow. I even felt the baby kick for the first time this week (the greatest feeling ever). For Halloween I dress up as a ladybug (both at work and for trick or treating). We handed out candy at our new house which was very fun. Below are some pictures. The ladybug outfit (week 17) and a belly shot (which is from week 16). I'll post some new stuff soon.

PS: 2 weeks until we find out if we have a little boy or girl on the way. I'm guessing a boy, Chuck says girl. But I had a dream the other night that Chuck's mom told the EMTs when they came to get me to go to the hospital (that better not happen) that I was having a girl. We shall see.

Friday, October 23, 2009

16 weeks

I can't believe 16 weeks has gone by but it has. I had another appt on Wednesday and the baby was doing great. Heart rate in the 140s. Next month we will find out if we are having a boy or girl. The baby is now the size of an avacado.

I will post some belly pics when I get a chance but now I'm starting to get a belly. I think I may only fit in my normal clothes for a few weeks.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Growing Belly

I'm finally taking the time to post some pics of my growing belly. I still fit into all of my clothes but I think that may become an issue in the near future.

Week 12

Week 13

Week 14

Friday, September 25, 2009

12 weeks

Our little one is now the size of a plum. I went for the first trimester screening yesterday which consists of blood work and an ultrasound. Although I won't have results for weeks, I did get a lot of ultrasound pictures. I'll show you them all because the baby is now finally looking like a baby instead of a blob.

See the leg in the bottom right photo. He/she was using that to kick around a lot during the ultrasound. The baby also got the hiccups during the ultrasound which was very cute to watch. A couple more pics below.

On the left side picture, an arm is sticking downward. My favorite is the one on the right. The baby has his/her arms up waving. Wow I can't believe the baby is getting so big. I don't think we will have another ultrasound until the 20 week one when we find out if this is a little boy or girl. But that is only about 8 weeks away...YAY. Take care everyone.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

What a Weekend

This past weekend was the most fun I have had in a long time! My little brother got married and it was such a fun time. He of course looked handsome and Kim (his bride) look beautiful in her dress.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Our Little Olive

Yesterdays doctor appointment went very well. The baby continues to grow and the hematoma continues to decrease in size.
The scan below is the newest ultrasound. The baby is now the size of an olive which is crazy because during the ultrasound the baby looks so big. It's amazing how that little olive can make me so sick, tired, and happy.
Chuck looked at the ultrasound pictures last night and his interpretation was: "look at the Marg Simpson hair on that kid and look at the booty on that kid, it has to be a girl with a booty like that". So for sure we are going to have a bald little boy.

I go for another ultrasound on Sept. 24 at which time they will do the screening for spine cord defects and Downs. My next appointment with the OB will be in October sometime.

Have a great labor day weekend!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

9 Weeks

I am 9 weeks along today and these are some of the things I'm feeling:

1. Insanley hungry at times: I eat cinnamon applesauce everyday between 9:30 and 10:30 am.
2. Nauseous: What looks good to eat one minute will make me want to barf the next minute. This makes planning for dinner very hard. Poor Chuck has become accustomed to the idea that just because I am asking him what he is hungry for, it probably isn't what we will end up eating.
3. Tired: I love to shop, but being tired puts a big crimp in my shopping schedule. After about an hour or two of shopping, I need to go home an lay on the couch. I can even nap for 1-2 hours some days and still fall asleep at 9:30 or 10 pm.
4. Scared: Everytime I feel something different, a cramp or pain, I think about what happened last time around and get nervous it will happen again. I'm hoping once the first trimester is over I will stop being so paranoid.
5. So in love: I'm so in love with the idea that a little baby is growing inside of me. And I love to think about what we will be doing next summer and next year. I love looking at the baby clothes and thinking about where we will go in certain outfits. I love looking at the ultrasound pictures and can't wait to see more. But most of all, I just love this baby!

I have another visit with the OB today. She will do another ultrasound and as long as things look good, she will have me come back monthly. Please pray for a healthy baby.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Sneak Peek

As promised, here is a picture of our little one (the thing with the dotted line over it). Looks more like a blob now but I'll post updated ultrasound pictures as we get them and as he/she turns into more of a human. The round thing in the picture is the yolk sac which helps the baby grow. That will disappear before 12 weeks as the placenta takes over.

Otherwise everything is going well. We return to the doctor on Sept. 2nd for a recheck and another ultrasound.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

We've Moved

Finally, the paperwork has been completed, and we have moved into our new house. We got word yesterday at 2:45pm that the sellers loans were cleared and that we were closing at 4:00pm. Now we have tons of cleaning to do but that's what happens when you go from 1300 sq ft. to 3700 sq ft. I'll post pictures when everything settles down.

P.S. I'm so excited for my parents to come down this weekend. They have not seen the house yet, and I am so excited to have them down and actually have a bedroom they can sleep in.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Waiting is never easy

Waiting seems to be the theme of my life these days. We are still waiting to close on our house. Just when we think we are ready to close, they find new things that need to be taken care of. At this point, we are just hoping to celebrate Christmas in the house.

We are also still waiting to be blessed with a baby. Please pray that this will happen soon so that I don't go crazy or maybe I should say crazier!

On a less anxious note, I am excited to be leaving for a short vacation later today. My husband and I are headed to upper MI to spend time with his family. Fishing, boating, and relaxing. I'm hoping to come back relaxed and ready for whatever life throws our way next.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Waiting on a Miracle

So, the last few months have been a bit hard but one is never given more than they can handle. I still have tough days where I think about how far along I would have been had I not miscarried. For example, this week we would have found out the sex of the babies. But I know bigger and better things are ahead and I have to keep pushing forward. The doctors say we can start trying again in late June or July so we are waiting (not-so-patiently waiting but waiting) to try again.

In the meantime, we are in the process of buying a house and hoping to close in June. It has been quite an interesting experience but if we are able to get this house, it would be a lovely place to live and raise a family.

I pray that I keep busy until we are able to try for another child and that this baby will be healthy so that I may have the chlid I have long dreamed of.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Growing and growing

So, I think I am officially starting to show a little (although I just look fat in most clothes). I can definitely tell that my clothes are getting tighter, but it is nice to have a little something to show for it now. Plus I have been finding all kinds of good deals on maternity clothes and I can't wait to wear them!

I had a nurse visit this week which was not as painless as I had hoped. Lots of paperwork and family history stuff which was the easy part. Then, they had to draw 6 tubes of blood, and the guy who did it went through the vein in both elbows leaving bruises. OUCH! The good news is they got the blood they needed. Our first OB visit is scheduled for next Thursday and I hope to have an ultrasound picture then. Hugs and kisses!

Friday, February 20, 2009

We're Pregnant

As most of you know now, Charlie and I are expecting our first little one in early October. We thought it would be nice to have a page where everyone could follow the pregnancy and of course our little one as he/she grows. We will keep you updated with any changes. Our first OB visit is scheduled for March 12. We hope to have some ultrasound pictures at that time. Until next time, hugs and kisses from us all.